In a near future world on the brink of environmental catastrophe, a mysterious woman brokers an anonymous pact between two men for the older man Ray to inhabit the younger man Marcus’s body when he dies in exchange for a fortune and access to vast knowledge. The consequences for both men evolve over the ensuing years. When Ray finds a way to exchange identities while still alive, both men struggle to navigate their new lives and relationships while under attack by Ganymede, the architect of the consciousness swapping technology, and the Tribe of 23, a human supremacist organization that has targeted Marcus because of his and his wife’s advocacy for AIs to have equal rights with carbon based humans.
Their moral and emotional development is informed by the resourceful women who love them, one an accomplished journalist, the other a teacher who guides AIs to perceive and feel human emotions.
Targeted Age Group: Adult audiences
Genre: Science Fiction
What was your inspiration for this book?
As I watch the current generation of young adults assume their leadership roles in our culture, I see once again the youthful illusion of immortality and invincibility, this time with a twist. The Technological Singularity is close upon us and with it the prospect, at least in the eyes of the young, that life everlasting is within their grasp. And I wonder, given the temptation to extend life indefinitely, how the choices will be made and at what price the reality of immortality might come.
Why did you decide to produce an audiobook?
My fiction tends to be dialogue heavy, a hybrid of novel and screenplay. The narration of another of my novels, Shared Madness, brought my characters to life and intensified the drama, feeling more like an audible play than a narration. I'm also aware that many readers prefer to listen to books or to alternate between reading and listening as their activities allow. An audiobook provides an opportunity to expand my audience.
How did you choose the reader for the book and the production company?
Joe Smith, a professional voice actor, previously narrated my psychological thriller, Shared Madness, and brought the characters to life, adding a new dimension to the story. I was excited to be able to engage him again with the narration of A Stand-in for Dying.
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